all postcodes in TR16 / REDRUTH

find any address or company within the TR16 postcode district

Postcode Area

TR / Truro

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TR16 4AA 12 1 50.246317 -5.234528
TR16 4AD 4 0 50.244386 -5.23667
TR16 4AE 13 0 50.246342 -5.233295
TR16 4AF 16 0 50.248315 -5.234516
TR16 4AH 47 0 50.249836 -5.235749
TR16 4AJ 21 0 50.250337 -5.236175
TR16 4AY 12 3 50.247768 -5.222456
TR16 4AN 2 0 50.247707 -5.228877
TR16 4AP 1 1 50.246152 -5.226548
TR16 4AQ 44 0 50.249053 -5.23451
TR16 4AR 4 2 50.248041 -5.224944
TR16 4AS 5 0 50.251144 -5.225946
TR16 4AT 3 0 50.250358 -5.224132
TR16 4AU 1 0 50.249958 -5.220387
TR16 4AW 1 0 50.243953 -5.226694
TR16 4AX 26 25 50.244782 -5.225677
TR16 4BE 9 0 50.248 -5.217358
TR16 4BG 7 0 50.249665 -5.21667
TR16 4BH 18 12 50.253968 -5.216231
TR16 4BJ 3 0 50.257837 -5.215243